
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Whiten your Teeth with Coconut Oil Swish

I love drinking tea every single day but what’s bothering me is I am now experiencing yellow stains on my teeth. Yes, I go to the dentist regularly but I was curious if there’s a diy to whiten my teeth. I came across the Coconut Oil Swish.  At first, I’m not exactly sure what it is and if it’s really for oral hygiene because it’s coconut oil but as I read further, this type of oral therapy is is Ayurvedic medicine which dates a thousand of years ago.  

Coconut Oil Swish is good for teeth whitening, oil pulling, oral detox and resolving bad breath. It contains high quality Virgin Coconut Oil which for sure will give me maximum results. Coconut Oil Swish has a bottle size of 8 oz and it can last a long time since you only use one tablespoon in the morning, noon and at night. What you need to do is rinse and swish the Coconut Oil Swish between your teeth for 2 to 3 minutes. If you want to get better results, you can increase the time. Just make sure that you do not swallow it and brush after.

The taste? You’d be surprised because Coconut Oil Swish tastes minty and it’s even better than teeth whitening strips or teeth whitening gel. Overall, Coconut Oil Swish has great taste and consistency.

Coconut Oil has a lot of benefits to our body and I am amazed that it also gives a bacteria-fighting benefit for oral hygiene to fight gingivitis, plaque and bad breath plus it can reduce tooth decay. After using Coconut Oil Swish, my teeth lightened after using this product for a month now and I still get to enjoy to drink my tea everyday. I highly recommend this product to anyone searching for a healthy and proven teeth-whitening method, with absolutely no side effects.

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