
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds are one of the healthiest foods in the world. Chia Seeds are equipped with nutrients that can have important benefits for your body and brain. Chia seeds are tiny black seeds from the plant Salvia Hispanica, which is related to the mint grown in Mexico dating back to Mayan and Aztec cultures. These cultures used the chia seeds as an energy booster.  "Chia" means strength. In the past few years, they have become popular and are now being utilized by people who are health conscious all over the world.  

A 1 ounce (28 grams) serving of chia seeds contain:
  • Fiber: 11 grams.
  • Protein: 4 grams.
  • Fat: 9 grams (5 of which are Omega-3s).
  • Calcium: 18% of the RDA.
  • Manganese: 30% of the RDA.
  • Magnesium: 30% of the RDA.
  • Phosphorus: 27% of the RDA.
  • They also contain a decent amount of Zinc, Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Potassium, Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) and Vitamin B2.
Chia seeds are a whole grain food type that's usually grown organically, are non-GMO and naturally free of gluten. Another area where chia seeds luster is in their tremendous amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals, which can damage molecules in cells and contribute to aging and diseases like cancer.

Chia seeds also contain a soaring amount of protein. A high protein intake reduces appetite and has been shown to cut down hooking thoughts about food. That also includes the desire for night time snacking. Chia seeds really are an excellent protein source, especially for people who eat little, are on a high protein diet or no animal products.

The chia seeds can be made to taste like whatever you want and it keeps you feeling full for hours. Chia seeds are often served in drinks or smoothies, but if you don't want to use it in a drink it's easy to sprinkle on your oatmeal, directly on your meals, or stir it into a Greek yogurt. Chia seeds don't have a  taste, so it goes with just about anything. Chia seeds can be stored for a long time in your refrigerator or pantry without going rancid, which makes it easier to save money by purchasing them in bulk.  

I am always hesitant about supplements that become a fad, products that become popular overnight, or that claim to have great health benefits. However, the recent trend toward taking chia seeds have not discouraged me. Despite their tiny size, chia seeds are among the most nutritious foods in the world. They are loaded with fiber, protein, Omega-3 fatty acids and various micronutrients. One tablespoon of Chia seeds have more calcium than a glass of milk, more Omega-3s than Salmon, and more antioxidants than blueberries.

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